Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Deleted it all, starting all over

I decided to delete all of my old posts and start blogging all over again. I'm just.. not that beauty type of girl, so I'm just gonna use this blog as a "diary" sort off. Just write what I feel like writing, when I feel like it. Maybe share a bit of my extremely exiting (sarcasm) life with you.

I'm probably gonna do an entire post just to express my love for a song, and the next week, an entire post on how much I really don't like that one song, which probably will be the same song as I loved last week.

If you want to get to know me more, leave a comment below, and I'll write a whole entire post only about myself.

THIS is me... If anyone were to wonder..

With all my love


  1. You're a gorgeous girl. I'll be reading whatever you have to post :]

    1. Thank you! means a lot that you took the time to leave a comment! :)

  2. You're super pretty. :) and i'd love to read a post about you.

    1. Aww, thank you! I will do an about me post tonight then! :)

  3. Awww. I was just about to post the Remember the Music tag, but it's gone now... ;o;

  4. Cool blog, did you ever update this post? Would be interested in hearing a little more about you. Wow, you're simply gorgeous! :)



